Readers and reviewers are showing special interest

Readers and reviewers are showing special interest in Len, as he moves to new assignments and is confronted by crimes and mayhem within each new community.


Here is what Joe Kilgore, reviewer for the US Review of books, has to say about Len.


“Into their midst comes an outsider, Len. He’s been asked to fill in temporarily as the football coach. As an ex-World Cup player, he certainly has the background and knowledge to do so. He’s also particularly adept at hand-to-hand combat and other self-defense skills that will come in handy as he butts heads with belligerent locals, mixes with parents as well as players, and gets neck deep in high water, attempted murder, and the killing of a young girl. Before long, Len is having to come to grips with whether he’s simply going to fulfill his current obligation and move along or whether he’s destined for a much longer stint in this community.” - - -

“There is also the requisite amount of tension-building suspense, testosterone-filled derring-do, and climactic canoodling between the sheets to keep things not just specific but spicy too.”


Here’s what Leslie Jones, reviewer for Readers’ Favorite, has to say about Len.


“I loved the complex character of Len. He is intelligent, sensitive, enigmatic, and can read people extremely well. The relationships between the characters developed wonderfully. I especially liked the relationship Len formed with his young team members and Jane. I thought the dialogue was fast-moving and realistically displayed the feelings and emotions of the characters. There are many scenes of great tension. - - -"


You can follow Len’s adventures in each of ‘Passcodes to Peril’, ‘Lake Friction’, and ‘Lake Rage’.

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